We Crossed the Equator!

We Crossed the Equator!

This was a HUGE personal achievement for me. Its been a dream for soooo long, and was quite emotional for me really. King Neptune showed up and everyone paid homage to him as we went from being Polliwogs (those who have not sailed across the equator) to Shellbacks (those who have sailed across the equator). It really is a BIG DEAL if you are a sailor. Enjoy the photos of the crossing and Neptune's baptism! (viewer discretion advised, Old men in Speedos..)

The baptism brew, dumped on everyone as they honor King Neptune!
King Neptune is all his glory!
Chris and King Neptune. Chris is ready to honor the King.
Chris getting "baptized"
Danielle is dressed as a Seal.
Jade the Mermaid!
David the Pirate.
Swimming across the equator!
Chris and Jade go for a plunge
Catalina keeping a watchful eye as we swim across the equator!
Relaxing after dinner. Notice calms seas and NO wind!

A yummy dinner.
Baked chocolate chip cookies for desert. Now we are roughing it!