So why am I doing this??

So why am I doing this??

We are just past the half way point to the Marquesas, so it seems like a good time to try and explain why I am out here doing the somewhat crazy thing.

Why am I doing this? It seems like a simple enough question, with a simple answer, such as, for the adventure, to live the dream, to conquer the ocean, etc. But for me, it’s much deeper than that. This is more of a “soul level” question, like “What is the real purpose of your life?”

So why? I have asked myself this question a thousand times, over DECADES. “Dale, why do you. want to do this?” I have tried to convince myself I DON’T need to do it. I’ll be OK. I’ll certainly live. I have a great life right here in Laguna. But the pull, the draw, the need to go is still there. It’s like I am compelled to do this. I have prayed to God countless times, “Lord if this is not your will, let me know, take this thought away from me.” But it is STILL there. “Dale, go!” Why? What does the Lord have planned? There is so much else I could do with my time and my money. “Dale go. See the world. Explore my oceans.” It doesn’t leave me.

My wife Dawn has walked this with me ever since we got married. We have tried other adventures to quench my calling, such as vacations to French Polynesia, and sailing trips aboard our friend’s boat in Tonga and Fiji, with a crossing from Fiji to New Zealand in 2019. Still, the dream is to sail across the ocean, in my own boat. Dawn has 1000% supported me. This is TRUE love. It’s not her dream or passion, but she sees it in me. Its importance to me. So she has done all she can to help me make this happen. I could not have done it without her. I love you Dawn!!

My emotion behind this is deep as well. I listen to the song “Southern Cross,” about David Crosby sailing his boat to the South Pacific, and I start crying out of nowhere. Or I read out loud this quote from Josh Slocum, the first man to sail around the world, and I get choked up:

“To young men contemplating a voyage, I would say go. The tales of rough usage for the most part exaggerations, as also are the tales of sea danger. To face the elements is, to be sure, no light matter when the sea is in its grandest mood. You must then know the sea, and know that you know it, and not forget that it was made to be sailed over.”

I can’t even read through it, even now thinking about it, the emotion wells up in me. What is wrong with me??!!

"Those who sail on the sea in ships, who do business on the high seas, have seen what the Lord can do, the miracles he performed in the depths of the sea.” Psalms 107:23-24

There have been times I have decided, No, I won’t do this. There is too much going on in life. I’m too busy, I’m too old, I don’t have the energy, etc. About 3 years ago I decided, nope, I’m not doing it. Then my daughter Danielle said to me “Dad, WE are doing THIS!” Ok, let’s do it!

A trip like this is a MASSIVE undertaking, and the responsibility I feel as captain is tremendous. I have to keep 4 people and a dog safe, over a thousand miles from land. I have no delusion about how challenging this will be. I have not romanticized it thinking about sun soaked days relaxing on the boat as we slip down waves towards the sunset. I KNOW stuff will be breaking. All the time. I know I will have to keep a constant eye on weather, the boat, and the morale of my crew. Many who undertake this adventure, skilled sailors, don’t make it across. Last year alone, one boat sank when they hit a whale (they were safely rescued 10 hours later), two boats broke their masts, and 2 boats broke their rudders. So, of the 100 or so boats that attempted this crossing, 5 didn’t make it. A 5% attrition rate.

Ultimately, I know that this is something God has put deep inside of me. And I don’t have to know the answer as to “Why”. I don’t think it’s a thing that can be answered with words. It’s an experience to be lived, a journey to travel. The answer to be revealed along the way, not to be answered before the journey has begun.

So, we go. We follow the path before us, not knowing all the answers, because the answers are bigger than us. To have answers somehow makes us more comfortable. I do know that comfort is NOT the answer. Being true to the desires God has put on your heart is. Even if you don’t understand them.

That’s the best I can put it for now. I’ll share more as more is revealed to me. Thanks for reading!