It was BRUTAL last night

Its not all fun and games out here. Last night the wind picked up to 30+ knots (not in the forecast) and 10ft seas. At 2 am I was down below sleeping with Chris on watch with Danielle. It was raining and we got hit with a gust well into the 30 knot range. The autopilot lost control of the boat and Chris called for me, unsure what was going on. I ran on deck and found the boat heading into the wind with sails flogging because it was basically steering itself. There was 100% cloud cover with no horizon. I started turning the boat to get it back on course, but with a burned out compass light in the pitch black I could not tell what the boat was doing, and I went too far and did an accidental gybe. I don't think we broke anything. I am going on deck now to do an inspection.

After the gybe we rolled up on jib and sailed the rest of the night with just a double reefed main. And still it was a very rough and wild ride all night. Nothing is better than when that sun finally comes up and you can see! I am ready for some sleep.