Back on our way!

We are back on course for the Marquesas and have traveled just over 50 miles in that direction. We lost about two days by trying to divert to Cabo, a day sailing that way, in the wrong direction, and now we need to sail back. But we don’t care, we are just glad to be back on course!

Yesterday sailing towards Cabo took a lot out of us. It was very difficult conditions with a lot of heeling, boat slamming, big waves, etc. We are all a bit tired from that, but Chris and I are REALLY beat! It was a ton of work sailing and fixing the engine. The good news is our crew is getting more skilled, so Chris and I are not needed as much on watch. Both Jade and David did a lot of hand steering yesterday, and they did a fabulous job. They are both natural sailors and we able to hold the course in difficult conditions. Anyhow, I plan to sleep a lot more tonight than I normally would.

It is still cold out, and it will be for a couple more days. We are all dreaming of going outside in shorts and t-shirts! And of taking showers. Geez I am ready for that!